Covid 19 is making me count my blessings! It’s made me so grateful for being a bird. Because birds don’t seem to catch the virus. And more importantly, I don’t have to worry about getting hold of toilet paper!
But humans have a lot to deal with right now. And it’s when times become hard that the moral and ethical issues of life fall more sharply into focus. The differences between “the haves” and “the have nots.” The rich and the poor. The healthy and the sick. The strong and the weak. The young and the elderly.
When an international crisis comes along, who do you think of first? Yourself, or others? That’s a big question, isn’t it? Do you go around the supermarket, grabbing everything that you can so that your trolley is overflowing? Perhaps turning a blind eye to the needs of others? Do you really need to buy 500 toilet rolls to “see you through”, even if this means others will go without?