My owner is a gardener. He likes to grow all kinds of weird and wonderful produce. This year, he built a new raised bed, and then he filled it up with over 3000 litres of compost. Finally, he planted some pumpkins and squashes in it, which he continued to feed and water all through the Summer.
His plants grew incredibly well. It wasn’t long before the surface of the raised bed had disappeared below a riot of green leaves and stalks. In fact, it was such a jungle, that he didn’t know what lay beneath, -that is until last week when the foliage started to die back. It was then that my owner climbed onto the bed, full of anticipation. He parted some of the leaves, and discovered that underneath, there was………..absolutely nothing! No pumpkins, no squashes, -no nothing!
He’d been standing there for a few moments, feeling utterly disappointed, when something orange-coloured caught his eye some distance away in a nettle patch. He jumped down, walked across and strode deep in the nettles, ignoring the stings he was receiving along the way. And there, far away from where the plant had been growing in the raised bed, sat the most enormous orange pumpkin. In fact, some 7 stone of pumpkin which took an almighty amount of shifting. And not only the pumpkin, but half a dozen beautifully formed winter squashes.
