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Coco Calling No.134- God’s Personal Message For Us Today

Writer's picture: CocoCoco

We parrots are masters of communication! We express ourselves in so many different ways. Our vocal range can cover everything from contented purrs to raucous squawks. Or wolf-whistles through to police car sirens. Or kissing noises through to the theme tunes of favourite TV shows. And the more clever birds amongst us know when to make the right sound at the right time. For example, when my owner’s wife returns from work, I’ll make the sound of a welcome kiss before my owner gets anywhere near her.

Of course, human communication is far more complicated. Apart from normal speech, you have phone messages, texts, faxes, Facebook, WhatsApp. and all sorts of other technical magic. In fact, scientists say that humans spend around 70-80% of their day engaged in some form of communication. But with so much communication flying around, I wonder whether you manage to sift out the messages that really matter?

So what do you look at? What do you ignore? What do you respond to? What do you forget? What’s relevant, and what’s wasting your time? And I’m asking these questions for a very important reason. Because God tries to communicate with us every single day. A unique, personal message, with our name on it. For example, when you were walking down the street earlier in the day, and you passed a rough-looking down-and-out holding up a cardboard sign in your direction, did it really have anything to do with you? The sign read: “Seeking Human Kindness.”

And what about all of those other messages in your “In-Box” that you haven’t yet read? The ones that say: “Your sins are forgiven”; “I have a plan for you;” “I haven’t forgotten you during this difficult time;” “Pray to me, and then we can talk.” Do you bother reading these, or do you just consign them to your “Trash” file? We receive these messages in all kinds of different ways. Sometimes we get a deep “spiritual knowing.” Sometimes it will come from an off-the-cuff comment made by a friend. Or we might find ourselves stripped bare in the midst of a crisis which has left us more open to seeking “the unthinkable.” Or sometimes, an extraordinary coincidence comes along that is far more than just a coincidence….

Every single message will be as unique as we are. And all that we are asked to do is take the time to listen or to read, and then process. That’s all there is to it.

None of us are brilliant at listening. But the key to life is this. For us to listen to and act upon enough of God’s messages so that we’re shaped and formed into something new, fulfilling our potential as a part of God’s creation….

“Don’t you know that you yourselves are God’s temple and that God’s spirit lives in you?” (1Corinthians: 3:16)

“For it is God who works inside you to make you willing to act according to his good purpose.” (Philippians 2:13: Amended slightly for flow)


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