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Coco Calling No.273 - Answering the Call

Writer's picture: CocoCoco

Wise parrots will tell you that at particular times of our lives, God intends us to do something; to put to use whatever skills, talents, experience or wisdom that we have learnt along the way. And perhaps more importantly, to use them for His purpose. And we only understand what that purpose is if we allow the presence of God to flow through us. That is how yours truly became the first parrot ever to write a Christian blog and then to publish a book.

Over these past five and a bit years, I’ve been sharing my Christian thoughts to readers across six different continents around the world. And to make this happen, I’ve had to employ my owner as my typist. (I soon discovered that the combination of my hard beak and the soft plastic used for making computer keyboards were not a viable match. Three keyboards later, I had to recruit my owner!)

Well, it now turns out that my owner himself is experiencing a calling. In fact, he’s had something rattling around inside his head since his early twenties. Something that he feels he needs to do before he leaves this world. And having had a brush with cancer a couple of years ago, he’s decided that he’d better get on with it! And so he’s going to take time out to start his own writing project. Unfortunately for me, this means that he won’t have time to continue being my typist, so this will be my last blog for a considerable period of time. Of course, you can always access some of the 250+ previous ones by Googling: "the random thoughts of a Christian parrot""

The fact is that when you allow the presence of God inside you, and He wants you to do something, you simply can’t go on ignoring it. My owner has done his best to do so over all of these years, but that little inner voice will never go away. It keeps on persisting until you finally throw in the towel. So my owner will be busy writing; I’ll be cogitating even more on my favourite perch, and I hope that all of you wonderful readers will also come to know your own special calling, whatever that might be. Because God has something planned for every single one of us! God Bless you all; look after yourselves, and thank you for taking the time to read the thoughts of this fluffy bunch of feathers!

“Each one of us has some kind of vocation…For each one of us, there is only one thing necessary: to fulfil our own destiny, according to God’s will….”                                                                                                   (Thomas Merton: [1915-1968]: American Trappist Monk, writer and theologian)

“God does not choose people because of their ability but because of their availability.”                                                                                             (Brother Andrew: [1928-2022]: Dutch Christian missionary best remembered for smuggling Bibles into hostile countries)

“For even the Son of Man did not come to be served but to serve..."

(Mark 10:45)


Final note:

Coco is unsure at this stage about whether he will restart his blog in three and a half months’ time. It will depend upon the feedback he receives during this break. So if you have any views either way, please let him now.

You can email him via

Many thanks!





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