The Easter weekend will soon be with us, and humans find themselves in the midst of that special time called Lent. And “Lent” is one of those strange human names because it sounds as though you’ve given something to somebody with the expectation of getting it back at some point in the future. But it’s not only parrots that find Lent confusing as the following story shows….
An Irishman moved into a small village, and immediately went along to the local pub. He walked in and ordered three beers all at once. The bartender raised his eyebrows, but served the man as requested, and watched as the man sat quietly at a table on his own, drinking the beers one after another.
An hour later, the man ordered three more. And for the following few nights, this became the established pattern as the Irishman continued to order three pints at a time. Soon, most of the village were whispering about “the man who always ordered three pints”.
