The other day, I was sitting on my owner’s shoulder watching a programme on TV. It’s something that we do most evenings. The interviewer had gone to a convent located in the Pyrenees and was reporting about the pastoral life of the nuns that live there. Suddenly one of the nuns turned things round and started to interview the interviewer:
“Do you have a personal relationship with God?” she asked.
“No” came the surprised response.
“Well, are there some days when you at least think about God?”
“I’m afraid not.”
“Then that’s a great shame.”
This brief exchange stayed inside my feathered brain because it was so very unexpected. It shone a light on all those humans who go about their daily lives without ever thinking about God or knowing who He really is. And I had to agree with the nun that this is a “great shame.” For when we don’t know who our true God is, we not only miss out, but we also run the risk of imagining Him to be someone or something that He’s not at all…
“It is terrible when people do not know God, but it is worse when people identify as God what is not God.”
(Leo Tolstoy: 1828-1910: Famous Russian author)
I’ve got a rather flippant parrot story to illustrate this very point; it is only a story, and it involves three humans, - the Pope, his chauffeur and an Italian policeman. And this story’s all about the policeman because he doesn’t know God…
The Pope wanted a change of scene so he asked his chauffeur to take him for a spin around Rome.
