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Coco Calling No.247 - The Hypocrite That’s Me

Writer's picture: CocoCoco

Credit: Helen Blewitt
Credit: Helen Blewitt

Everything started off as normal today. I woke up, had a good stretch, ate some breakfast, and then performed my ‘morning essential’ in the kitchen sink (as I’ve been trained to). But it was then that I overheard some chicken gossip coming in from the garden. Yes, they muttering about a new web domain called ‘’. I really didn’t like the sound of it, and I liked it a whole lot less when I discovered that a member of the garden poultry had decided to launch a brand-new blog called “The Random Thoughts of a Christian Chicken.” I mean, how dare it! Chickens don’t have any brain. They have to pass a brain cell between one another before they can do anything! And anyway, blogs are my domain. And what would a chicken know about Christianity anyway?

Yes, I’m ashamed to admit that I found myself sitting up on my highest perch, looking right down the end of my beak at these lesser fowl. And it was only then that I read their first blog and quickly realised how wrong I’d been. Because in just three short lines, this garden chicken had proved the case for our Master Creator. Yes, their blog went like this:

‘What came first? Was it the chicken or the egg? And whichever you answer, how could that be?'

OK, as blogs go, it was a bit short, but it was still the work of a genius! And it showed me how God can use anyone or anything to spread His message. And not only that. No. It quickly made me realise that although I’m charming, beautiful and have an exceptional intellect, I’ve also been a hypocrite because I haven’t always practiced what I preached. Because in the eyes of the world, I always wanted to be top bird.

But I’m not so unlike many humans and other creatures. Hypocrisy is an ugly monster running wild in many parts of the world right now, including the U.S.A. And when we find ourselves craving the recognition and adoration of our fellow peers, and forgetting about our integrity and value before God, something has to be seriously wrong. So God sent me a chicken to help me see the error of my ways. And maybe he’ll send Mr Trump and Mr Musk a chicken each as well!

“The human heart has so many crannies where vanity hides, so many holes where falsehood lurks, is so decked out with deceiving hypocrisy, that it often dupes itself.”

(John Calvin: [1509 – 1564]: French theologian, pastor and participant in the Protestant Reformation, famous for ‘Calvinism.’)

“Don’t hunt in the church for a hypocrite. Go home and look in the mirror.”

(Billy Sunday: [1862 – 1935]: American evangelist and professional baseball player)

“Beware of no man more than yourself; we carry our worst enemies within us.” 

(Charles Spurgeon: [1834 – 1892]: English Baptist preacher, still often referred today as ‘The Prince of Preachers.’)

“You hypocrite, first take the plank out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to remove the speck from your brother’s eye.”  

(Matthew 7:5)                                                                 



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