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Coco Calling No.248 - All About Hope

Writer's picture: CocoCoco

January can feel like a month that drags. And humans don’t seem to like it at all, which is probably why they call one of their days “Blue Monday.” Yes, this is a time of year when many of them suffer from the post-Christmas blues and post-Christmas debts. So many humans will have already broken their New Year’s resolutions, and others will feel depressed and down because of the cold, dull Winter weather. Poor human beings!

Nature, meanwhile, is beginning to wake up a little. And that includes me! Yes, the subtle lengthening of the days has started to get my Spring hormones flowing. My instinct is telling me to get ready for nesting, so, unlike the moping humans, I’ve been busy checking out all available nest sites around the house. And much to my owner’s despair, that also includes quite a bit of gnawing. And when I find somewhere I like, I fluff up all my feathers in a moment of pure excitement and joy.

Perhaps Nature can see what so many humans can’t. Because Winter doesn’t last for ever, and after every Winter there comes a Springtime and a Summer. And for those of us that suffer here on Earth, there will always be the eternal Spring and Summer of Heaven to look forward to. And that’s probably why some of the garden birds still sing their songs, even on the darkest of dark days. The wren, the song thrush and the robin amongst them. And why yours truly is full of the joys of Spring today!

“Where others see but the dawn coming over the hill,

I see the Soul of God shouting for joy.” 

(William Blake: [1757 – 1827]: English poet)

“Hope is being able to see the light despite the darkness.”   

(Desmond Tutu: [1931 – 2021]: Charismatic South African Anglican Bishop)

“The wolf will live with the lamb

the leopard will lie down with the goat                       

the calf and the lion and the yearling together                                            

and a little child will lead them.”    

(Isaiah 11:6)

Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer.”                          

(Romans 12:12)                                                             



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